These general conditions of use supplement the general conditions of sale and the personal data protection policy.





These general conditions of use (hereinafter referred to as "CGUs") have the definition and supervision of the methods of use of the website (hereinafter referred to as "the site") by users (hereinafter referred to as "users").


To have access to the site, as well as to all its services, users must accept these general conditions of use without reservation in their latest version and comply.


2. Legal notices

Under article 6 of law n ° 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for confidence in the digital economy, it is specified in this article the identity of the various stakeholders in the context of the use of the site.


The site is edited by:

The company Maison Plouf Paris, simplified joint-stock company whose share capital is 10,000 euros, whose registered office is located at 163 quai du Docteur Dervaux, 92600 Asnières-sur-Seine, registered in the Trade and Companies Register of Nanterre 852 393 081 (hereinafter referred to as "the Publisher").

Tax or intra -community tax identification number: FR 71 85 239 30 81

Phone number: 07 61 68 01 05

E-mail address :

Directors of the publication of the site are Madame ORIANE BLONDEL and Mrs. Elodie PORTES.

Our shop is hosted on Shopify Inc. they provide us with the e-commerce platform which allows us to sell you our products and services.


3. Services offered on the site

The purpose of the site is the presentation, sale and promotion of the Publisher's products (hereinafter referred to as "the services").


4. Contact

For any questions or requests for information concerning the site, or any reporting of illicit content or activities, the User can contact the Publisher at
Or send a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to: SAS PLOUF PARIS, 6 rue des Bateliers 92110 Clichy 

5. Acceptance of CGUs

Access and use of the site are subject to acceptance and compliance with CGU. This acceptance and respect are deemed to be given by the user at the opening of the site.


The Publisher reserves the right to modify, at any time and without notice, the Site, the Services as well as the CGU, in particular to adapt to the developments of the Site by the provision of new features or the deletion or modification existing functionality.


The user is therefore advised to refer, before any navigation, to the latest version of the CGU, accessible at any time on the site. In the event of disagreement with the CGU, no use of the site can be carried out by the user.

6. Access and navigation


Access to services is through an internet connection.


For the service corresponding to the purchase of a product marketed by the Publisher, the user must refer to the general conditions of sale made available to him.


A newsletter service is also offered to users, allowing them to be regularly informed of the latest news and information relating to the Publisher and its products. To do this, the user must, on the site, complete his email address, to which the newsletter will be sent to him.


The Publisher implements the technical solutions at his disposal to allow site access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The publisher is subject to an obligation of means towards users, in the supply of the Site and the Services and their operation.

At any time, he may at any time suspend, limit or interrupt access to the site or certain pages of it in order to make updates, modifications of its content or any other action deemed necessary for its proper functioning. It may reserve access to the site, or to certain parts of the site, to a category of Internet users. In all cases, site dysfunctions and unavailability of services cannot give rise to any compensation for the user.


The connection and navigation on the site are unreserved acceptance of the CGUs, whatever the technical means of access and the terminals used.


The CGUs apply, as a need, to any declination or extension of the site on existing or future social networks and/or community.

7. Responsibilities

The Publisher is only responsible for the content he himself published.


However, he cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, and news of the information that is disseminated on the site.

The Publisher is not responsible:

- In the event of technical, IT issues or failures or compatibility of the site with hardware or software whatever it is;


- direct or indirect, material or intangible, predictable or unpredictable damage resulting from the use or difficulties in using the site or its services;

- intrinsic characteristics of the Internet, in particular those relating to the lack of reliability and the lack of securing information circulating;

- Illicit content or activities using its site, without it being duly learned within the meaning of law n ° 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for confidence in the digital economy and law n ° 2004- 801 of August 6, 2004 relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to processing of personal data.

The user is responsible for the use and protection of the equipment he uses to navigate the site, the use he makes of the site and the services, and for any violation of the T & CS.

Are strictly prohibited: (i) All behaviors likely to interrupt, suspend, slow down or prevent the proper functioning of the site, (ii) all intrusions or attempts at intrusions in the seller's systems, (iii) All embezzlement of system resources of the site, (iv) all actions likely to impose a disproportionate charge on the infrastructure of the latter, (v) all damage to security and authentication measures, (VI) All acts of a nature to infringe rights and interests Financial, commercial or moral of the seller or users of his site, (VII) any practice diverting the site for purposes other than those for which it has been designed and finally more generally (VIII) any breach of CGUs or laws and regulations in force.


It is also strictly prohibited to monetize, sell or concede all or part of access to the site, as well as to the information it contains.


In the event of a breach of any of the provisions of this article or more generally, from offenses to laws and regulations, the Publisher reserves the right to take all appropriate measures, to request damages and to initiate any lawsuit.


8. Hypertext links

The site may contain hypertext links pointing to other websites on which the Publisher does not exercise control. Despite the prior and regular checks carried out by the Publisher, the latter declines any responsibility for the content that it is possible to find on these sites.

The Publisher authorizes the implementation of hypertext links to any page or document of its site provided that the implementation of these links is not carried out for commercial or advertising purposes.

In addition, the prior information of the Site Publisher is necessary before any hypertext links.

This authorization is excluded from this authorization, the sites disseminating information of an illicit, violent, controversial, pornographic, xenophobic or which can harm the sensitivity of the greatest number.

Finally, the Publisher reserves the right to have a hypertext link pointing towards its site, if it considers it not in accordance with its editorial policy, at any time.


The Publisher is not responsible for the transactions between the user and any advertiser to which the user would be oriented through the site and in no way can be a party to any dispute in this regard.

9. Data collection & Cookies

The Publisher has a personal data protection policy of which the user is expressly invited to read:



The structuring of the site but also the texts, graphics, images, photographs, sounds, videos and computer applications that make it up, as well as the brands and other intellectual property rights relating to the products of the Publisher presented, sold and promoted to the Site (hereinafter referred to as "the elements protected under intellectual property"), are the property of the Publisher and are protected as such by the laws in force under intellectual property.

Any representation, reproduction, adaptation or partial or total exploitation of the protected elements under intellectual property, by any process whatsoever, without the prior, express and written authorization of the Publisher, is strictly prohibited and would be likely to constitute A counterfeiting within the meaning of the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code. And this, with the exception of the elements expressly designated as free of rights on the site.

Access to the site and its use are not worth recognition of a right and, in general, does not confer any intellectual property right relating to the protected elements under intellectual property, which remain the exclusive property of the Publisher.

The user is prohibited from introducing data on the site which would modify or which would be likely to modify its content or appearance.

11. Applicable law and competent jurisdiction

CGUs are governed by French law. In the event of a dispute and in the absence of an amicable agreement within one (1) months from the occurrence of the dispute, the dispute will be brought before the competent courts of Paris.